Introducing our new MSO
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Miriam Bugden as the new Manager Service Operations for You Matter.
McAuley Project – Jan’s Place
You Matter recently partnered with McAuley Community Services for Women to furnish their newest family violence refuge Jan’s Place – six individual, accessible family units and a central hub with a common room, central kitchen and spaces for resident support.
Watch McAuley’s video and
Creating Change Together
On November 14 the You Matter Board acknowledged and celebrated the impact the You Matter community has collectively achieved in 2024 for women and children who have been impacted by family violence at our annual end of year event.
Hewison Private Wealth partnership
Our new partners at Hewison Private Wealth have generously provided You Matter with a funding grant that will directly assist three families in need.
Stand Up in September Wrap-Up
Thank you to everyone who attended, donated, and supported this important campaign aimed at engaging men in the conversation about family violence.
We’re delighted to share the results of this incredible campaign!
Fashion for a Cause
Marshall White and Zimmermann united to support You Matter at a special private shopping experience with 20% of sales donated to You Matter.
REB Podcast
Tune in to hear REB’s latest podcast with our CEO, Deborah de Rossi, and Marshall White Director / Auctioneer, Nicholas Brooks, chatting about their important relationship in the family violence recovery space.
William Dunn – Domo Insurance
Read the Insurance Business article on how Domo Insurance boss William Dunn takes a stand against family violence and his participation as one of our Top 8 Ambassadors for the Stand Up in September event.
A Shift in Thinking Article – The Guardian
Read ‘The Guardian’s’ interview with Vicki Ward, Minister for Prevention of Family Violence about the move for all alcohol-serving Victorian workers to receive training on how to identify and deal with family violence risks – a move that was sparked by a speech by our CEO Deborah de Rossi earlier this year.
Rosie Batty Book Launch – RESPECT VICTORIA
Rosie Batty’s ‘Hope’ book launch in May was a much-needed reminder that, while there’s still so much work to do, we’ve come a long way in how we talk, think about, and address family violence.
You Matter in May Wrap-Up
This year’s You Matter in May included a number of events and campaigns, culminating in our inaugural High Tea for Hope at The Westin Melbourne.
Marshall White Change Makers
Our corporate partner Marshall White Foundation recently spoke to our CEO (Deborah de Rossi) for their May Change Makers feature – Envisioning a Future Free from Family Violence.
Boroondara Volunteer Awards – Commendation
Our amazing Volunteer Coordinator, Kelsey Smith received a Commendation Award at the recent Boroondara Volunteer Awards presentation.
Haven 200 Milestone!
Vicki Ward, Minister for Prevention of Family Violence of Victoria, popped in to see us create our milestone 200th Haven of Hope.
Rosie Batty AO addresses National Press Club
You Matter CEO Deborah de Rossi and Board member Catherine Easton, were privileged to attend Rosie Batty’s recent address to the National Press Club
Crime Stoppers Vic Podcast series
Crime Stoppers Victoria Podcast series discusses elements of Family Violence including coercive control and financial abuse.
International Women’s Day 2024
You Matter joined our major donor and supporter, Marshall White Foundation, for breakfast to celebrate International Women’s Day
Introducing our new CEO
You Matter Board Chair, Jackie Cook, welcomes new CEO, Deborah de Rossi to the You Matter team.
You Matter in the News
Read about how Pinnacle Charitable Foundation assisted You Matter to establish 35 Havens.