Our people

Our Board

Jackie Cook 250x250 YM version

Jackie Cook


Jacqui Kalwig 250x250

Jacqui Kalwig


Taara Olorenshaw - headshot

Taara Olorenshaw


Sheree 250x250

Sheree Limbrick


Hanna Linossier 250x250 YM version

Hannah Linossier


Taimur 250x250

Taimur Siddiqi


Catherine Easton - headshot

Catherine Easton


Our leadership team

Deb de Rossi 250x250 profile pic

Deborah de Rossi

Chief Executive Officer

Miriam Bugden<br />

Miriam Bugden


Service Operations

Kelsey Smith head shot

Kelsey Smith



Our volunteers

Your actions matter to us!

Our amazing volunteers are the backbone of You Matter and make practical, thoughtful and compassionate differences in the lives of women and children recovering from family violence.

Our volunteers share their time and skills to help women and children in our community. They are crucial to the successful functioning of our organisation – key to our success is collaboration, team work, mutual respect and hope. Without our volunteers we simply would not be able to deliver our Havens!

Volunteers are involved in a variety of activities that keep You Matter working as an efficient and effective organisation. From collecting, sorting and logging donated goods, maintaining our warehouse, setting up Havens, leading groups of volunteers, assisting to coordinate events, administrative support, assisting with grant applications, to helping maintain our website and social media presence.

We are always looking for new people to volunteer and would love to have you join us!

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